Tuesday, 9 June 2015

Border Security Force (BSF) has invited applications for recruitment for several Constable posts. The interested and eligible candidates can apply.
Post details:
Total posts: 797
Post name:
  1. Cobbler: 86
  2. Tailor: 35
  3. Carpenter: 6
  4. Plumber: 5
  5. Painter: 6
  6. Draughtsmen: 3
  7. Cook: 190
  8. Water carrier: 155
  9. Washer man: 89
  10. Barber: 65
  11. Sweeper: 138
  12. Waiter: 3
  13. Mali: 6
  14. Khoji: 10

Eligibility criteria:
  1. Qualifications:The candidates applying for either of the posts should have passed their Class 10 exam. The candidates should have acquired at least two years' experience. Or they should have done one year certificate course from Industrial Training Institute of Vocational Institute with at least one year experience in the trade. Or the candidates should have obtained two years' diploma from Industrial Training Institute in the similar trade.
  2. Age limit:The candidates applying for this post should be in the age group of 18 and 23 years.
  3. Selection process:The candidates will be shortlisted on the basis of their performances in the Physical Standard Test (PST), Physical Efficiency Test (PET), Trade Test, Written Test, Medical Examination.
  4. Application process: In order to apply, the candidates are required to visit the official website, download the application forms and send it to the concerned authority along with their photographs.


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