Thursday, 20 November 2014

The National Institute of Technology Calicut (NIT Calicut), Kozhikode, Kerala has invited applications forms from all the eligible candidates for Junior Research Fellow post.
NIT, Calicut is a technical institution of national importance set up by an Act of parliament(Act 29 of 2007) namely, the National Institute of technology Act 2007.
  1. Total Posts: 1
  2. Name of the Posts: Junior Research Fellow
  3. Pay Scale: The selected candidates would be earning a monthly income of Rs 16000.

Eligibility Criteria
  • Age Limit: The age of the applicant should be maximum 35years. Relaxation in age would be provided as per the current government norms.
  • Educational Qualification: Candidates should have done M.Sc in Chemistry or equivalent Master Degree (M.Sc.Tech., M.Tech. etc.) in related subjects.
  • Selection Procedure: The candidates would be selected on the basis of an interview.
  • How to apply: Candidates are required to attend the interview and get along their resumes and other relevant documents at Seminar Hall, Department of Chemistry, NIT Calicut, NIT Campus (P.O), Calicut- 673 601.
  • Important Dates: The date for the interview is December 2, 2014 at 9:30 A.M


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