Wednesday 18 February 2015

Tripura University invited applications for traineeship and studentship. Candidates who have completed MSc can apply for Tripura recruitment 2015.
Walk in Interview will be held February 23, 2015 at 11.00 am
Name and number of post
Traineeship- 01
Studentship - 01
Educational qualification for traineeship and studentship: Post graduate degree in any branch of life sciences/computer applications/computer science and engineering/information technology
Desirable Qualification for traineeship: Prior knowledge in basics of bioinformatics
Desirable Qualification for studentship: Prior knowledge of bioinformatics and programming languages such as CC+, Perl, Java, VB, SQL etc.
How to apply
Candidate are required to apply to the 'Registrar, Tripura University', on plain paper, mentioning the name, contact address with phone number, date of birth, educational qualifications, experiences along with self-attested photocopies of mark sheets and certificates. A passport size photograph is also required to be submitted at the time of interview.
Candidate must produce the original documents during interview.
Pay scale: Rs 5,000 per month
The fellowship amount is subject to the sanction of DBT, and might change as per norms of DBT, Govt. of India. The positions are purely on contractual basis.
Candidates please note no TA & DA will be paid for appearing in the interview.
Important dates:
Date of Walk in interview: February 23, 2015
Job Location: Tripura


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