Central Institute of Plastics Engineering & Technology (CIPET) has invited applications for recruitment for filling up various posts. The interested and eligible candidates can apply latest by October 6.
Post details:
- Deputy Director (Technical)
- Chief Manager (Technical)
- Chief Manager (Personnel, Admin.& Finance) (Non-Technical)
Eligibility criteria:
- Deputy Director (Technical): The candidates applying for this post are required to possess a PhD in Polymer Engineering/ Science/ Technology having acquired 11 years of training experience.
- Chief Manager (Technical): The candidates applying for this post are required to have done ME/ M.Tech degree having acquired 11 years of experience in the polymer technology field or the candidates should possess a PhD degree in polymer engineering/ science/ technology with nine years of experience in training.
- Chief Manager (Personnel, Admin.& Finance) (Non-Technical): The candidates applying for this post should be graduates with ICWA/ SAS (Commercial). The candidates should have obtained a two years' PG diploma in Finance/ Personnel having obtained 15 years of experience.
Age limit:
The candidates applying for the post should age between 45 and 50 years.
Pay scale:
- Deputy Director (Technical): PB-4 Rs 37, 400-67, 000 + GP 8, 900
- Chief Manager (Technical): PB-4 Rs 37, 400-67, 000 + GP 8, 700
- Chief Manager (Personnel, Admin.& Finance) (Non-Technical): PB-4 Rs 37, 400-67, 000 + GP 8, 700
How to apply:
In order to apply, the candidates are required to send their duly filled application forms in an envelope by speed post to "Chief Manager (P&A), CIPET Head Office, T.V.K. Industrial Estate, Guindy, Chennai-600 032".
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