Tuesday 4 November 2014

The Institute of Genomics and Integrative Biology (IGIB), Delhi has published an employment notification for the recruitment of various posts of Research Associate, Project Fellow and Medical Lab Attendant.
  • Total posts: 5

Name of the Posts:
  1. Research Associate - 1
  2. Project Fellow -1
  3. Medical Lab Attendant - 1
  4. Senior Project Fellow - 1
  5. Research Associate - 1

  • Age Limit: The maximum age of the candidate must be 40 and minimum must be 21 years. Relaxation in age would be provided as per the government rules.
  • Educational  Qualification: Eligible and Interested candidate should have done Ph.D in Biological Sciences/M.Sc in any branch of life sciences/B.Tech. in Biotechnology with at least 55 per cent marks/M.Sc/Ph.D in Organic Chemistry.
  • Selection Procedure: An interview would be conducted to shortlist candidates.
  • How to apply: Interested candidates are required to attend the walk-in-interview at CSIR-Institute of genomics and integrative biology Mall Road, Delhi - 110007 at 10:30 A.M.
  • Important Dates: The date for the interview is November 21, 2014.


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