Thursday, 13 November 2014

The Karnataka High Court has issued online notice inviting qualified candidates to submit applications for recruitment to 85 posts.
  • Vacancies: There are a total of 85 posts of Assistant Court Secretary.

  1. Candidates should have passed SSLC examination conducted by the Karnataka Secondary Board or equivalent. Candidates should have passed Senior Grade Examination in English Shorthand or Proficiency grade examination in English shorthand. Candidates should have passed Senior Grade Examination in Typewriting in English conducted by the Department of Public Instruction of the Karnataka Secondary Education Board or equivalent qualification. Candidates must have knowledge of computers.
  2. Salary: Candidates should be paid in a pay scale of Rs 20000 - 500 - 21000 - 600 - 24600 - 700 - 28800 - 800 -33600 - 900 - 36300.

Selection Process -
  1. Eligible candidates will be selected on the basis of performance in following tests:
  2. Shorthand Test for a maximum of 100 marks
  3. English essay writing for a maximum of 30 marks
  4. Translation from Kannada to English for a maximum of 30 marks
  5. Test of General Knowledge for a maximum of 20 marks
  6. Viva - voce for a maximum of 20 marks

  • Age limit: The minimum age limit of the candidate should be 18 years and a maximum of 40 years.
  • How to apply -
  • Interested and eligible candidates can apply by filling form online on the official website. 
  • An application fee or Rs 250 has to be paid for completing the registration through:
  • Online payment - online payment of application fee by SBI online payment gateway to
  • Challan Form - candidates shall download the challan in the printed format and shall remit the prescribed fee in any branch of SBI.
  • Important dates- Last date to submit fee online - November 25, 2014. Last date to submit fee through challan form - November 27, 2014


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