Thursday 12 March 2015

Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) has invited applications for recruitment to 173 posts of Professor, Asst. Professor, Joint Director, Architect, Drugs Inspector, etc. Interested and eligible candidates can apply through the official website of UPSC before 19 March.

Post details:

Name and number of posts:
  1. Joint Director: 2 
  2. Scientist SB(Chemical): 4 
  3. Drugs Inspector: 147 
  4. Architect: 1 
  5. Professor (Information Technology) (Technical): 1 
  6. Professor, Information Technology (Technical): 1 
  7. Professor (Civil Engineering) (Technical): 1 
  8. Associate Professor in Civil Engineering (Technical): 1 
  9. Associate Professor in Information Technology (Technical): 1 
  10. Assistant Professor (Unani) in Kulliyat: 1 
  11. Assistant Professor (Unani) in Niswan Qabalat: 1 
  12. Assistant Professor (Unani) in Tahfuzzi wa Samaji Tibb: 2 
  13. Assistant Professor (Unani) in Amraz-e-Jild:1 
  14. Assistant Professor (Unani) in Moalijat: 1 
  15. Assistant Professor (Unani) in Ilmul Saidla: 1 
  16. Assistant Professor (Unani) in Manuf-ul- Aza: 1 
  17. Assistant Professor (Unani) in ILMUL AMRAZ: 2
  18. Assistant Professor (Unani) in Amraze Uzn -Anf Halaq wa Asnan: 1 
  19. Assistant Professor (Unani) in Ilmul Advia: 2 
  • Application fees: Candidates are required to pay a fee of Rs 25 only either by remitting the money in any branch of the SBI by cash or by using net banking facility of the SBI.
  • How to apply:Candidates eligible and interested can apply online through the official website by March 19. After submitting the Online Recruitment Application (ORA), the candidates are required to take out a printout of the finally submitted ORA.
  • Important date: Last date for receipt of applications online: March 19


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