Sunday, 22 March 2015

Ministry of finance, an undertaking of Government of India has invited applications for the post of Senior Officer on ad hoc basis. Interested and eligible candidates can send their application form in a prescribed format available online by April 19.

Post details
  1. Total post: 1
  2. Name of the post: Senior Officer
  3. Pay Scale: Willing candidates will be placed in the pay scale of Rs 9,300-34,800 according to their skills
Eligibility criteria
  1. Educational qualification:Knowledge and experience in computer application software such as MS Word, MS Excel/ Power point is desirable
  2. Experience:Candidates holding analogous post on regular basis; or posts of section officers of central secretariat services or junior accounts officers (Ex-Cadre) can apply
  3. Age:Candidates applying for the post should not exceed the age limit of 56 years
  4. Selection Procedure:Candidates will be selected on the basis of their performance in the interview
How to apply
  • Applicants can visit the official site to download application forms
  • They can send in their application in the prescribed format attached with necessary documents that include integrity certificate, vigilance clearance certificate, copies of CR dossiers and cadre clearance
  • Send it to the address mentioned in the advertisement notification
  • Read the details precisely before applying
  • For more details visit the official website of the ministry.


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