Tuesday, 17 March 2015

Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) has invited applications for Engineering Services Examination 2015. The candidates applying for the examination should ensure that they fulfil all eligibility conditions for admission. Interested and eligible candidates for the post can apply before April 10.
Post details
Name and number of posts:
  1. Total number of posts: 475
  2. Category I- Civil Engineering
  3. Category-II- Mechanical Engineering
  4. Category-III- Electrical Engineering
  5. Category-IV- Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering
Eligibility criteria:
Educational qualifications:
  • Candidate should have obtained a degree in Engineering or passed Sections A and B of the Institution Examinations of the Institution of Engineers or obtained a degree/ diploma in Engineering from such foreign University/College/Institution recognised by the Government or passed graduate membership examination of the Institution of Electronics and Radio engineers or passed Associate Membership Examination Parts II and III/Sections A and B of the Aeronautical Society of India; or passed Graduate Membership Examination of the Institution of Electronics and Radio Engineers, London held after November, 1959.
How to apply
  • Eligible and interested candidates are required to apply online through the official website of UPSC www.upsconline.nic.
  • Candidates (except Female/SC/ST/ PH who are exempted from payment of fee) are required to pay a fee of Rs  200 either by depositing the money in any Branch of SBI by cash or by using net banking facility of State Bank of India.
Important dates
  • Opening date for registration: 14 March
  • Closing date for registration:  10 April
  • Date of examination: 12 June


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