Monday, 27 October 2014

The Department of Botany, Lucknow University has released an employment notification for recruitment to the posts of Scientist, Technical Assistant and Lab Attendant.
Vacancies: 5
Name of the Posts:
  1. Scientist (Plant Physiology/ Biochemistry/ Botany)
  2. Scientist (Environmental Science/ Life Science/ Microbiology)
  3. Scientist (Soil Science)
  4. Technical Assistant
  5. Lab Attendant

Pay Scale:
  1. For Post I, II & III - The selected candidates would be getting a monthly income of Rs 15600 to Rs 39100 with grade pay of Rs 6000.
  2. For Post IV - The selected candidates would be getting a monthly income of Rs 5200 to Rs 20200 with grade pay of Rs 2800.
  3. For Post V - The selected candidates would be getting a monthly income of Rs 44400 to Rs 7440 with grade pay of Rs 1400.

Eligibility Criteria
  • Educational Qualification: The interested candidate must refer to the official notification for post-wise educational qualification details.
  • Selection Procedure: An interview would be the basis to shortlist candidates.
  • How to Apply: Candidates are required to send their applications in prescribed format along with the bank draft and all other relevant documents to ' Officer In-charge, AICRP on Micro and Secondary Nutrients and Pollutant Elements in Soils and Plants, Botany  Department, Lucknow University, Lucknow-226007 '.
  • Important Date: The last date for submission of application is November 5, 2014.


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